Green tea for weight loss has been around for quite some time now. This is because the consumption of tea has proven to be a very healthy and powerful beverage among individuals all over the world. It is actually known as the "Chinese Tea", having the effect of reducing bad cholesterol levels as well as boosting energy levels in the body. The benefits of green tea have even gone beyond boosting one's energy level because it can also help reduce the risks of heart diseases and cancer.

So, does green tea burn fat really burn fat? Just like many other diet pills these days, green tea is effective in burning fat. However, it would be more effective if it is consumed on its own. If you want to lose weight with this beverage, there are certain things you need to take into account.
First of all, the main ingredient that makes up green tea that helps in weight loss is EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate. As an antioxidant, EGCG has the ability to activate the thermogenic effects of the body which consequently leads to increased metabolic rate. An increase in metabolic rate leads to the burning of more calories. This can actually help people lose weight. However, it would be better if one uses this weight loss product along with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Using them alone will not help one's goal since using them without the right diet and exercise program will not give the desired results.
One of the most popular claims about EGCG is that it helps in losing weight. This claim is based on the fact that EGCG has been found to inhibit the absorption of fats from the intestines. However, this can only be beneficial for people who have a relatively low level of cholesterol and a high level of good carbohydrate. If there is a lack of these two components, then EGCG cannot be an effective supplement to use for weight loss.
It would be better if one consults a doctor before trying any supplement that contains antioxidants like green tea. This is because not all types of these supplements contain the proper amount of antioxidants. If one has a very high level of bad cholesterol and consumes caffeine regularly, then the combination of both may lead to the development of blood clots. Blood clots are known to be the cause of the formation of deep vena cava, which is characterized by a bulge in the wall of the blood vessel. The blockage of the blood vessels may lead to the paralysis of vital organs in the body. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before taking any type of supplement that contains green tea.
EGCG has been proven as an effective weight loss product. In fact, it has the highest rate of success among all other weight loss products. However, this should not be used by women who are pregnant or nursing since it contains caffeine. Caffeine is known to be a stimulant, and may affect the balance of electrolytes in the body, which can result to irregular heartbeats.
Another way by which green tea makes you lose weight is through increasing your metabolism. As the beverage contains antioxidants, the rate of your metabolic rate is increased. This means that you will burn more calories while you are at rest, resulting to your faster weight loss program.
Green tea is also known to provide health benefits to its consumers. In addition to being an antioxidant, it contains catechins, which are known to help in losing weight and in preventing possible health problems. However, it is always best to consult a dietician or a professional doctor before taking in these catechins. Also, it is advisable for you to watch how much you consume, especially in the early stages of your weight loss program. There are some catching that may cause side effects if it is taken in high doses.