There's both good news and bad news when pondering the issue of does green tea burn fat. Let us begin by saying that green tea has a number of benefits, and is in fact the drink of choice by many athletes and bodybuilders. It does contain some caffeine, but much less of a concentration than normal coffee and hence it's a very healthy and appropriate alternative. Also, there are a number of powerful antioxidants in green tea which potentially have anti-aging and weight loss properties.
But green tea also has health benefits that extend beyond weight loss. The caffeine in it stimulates the central nervous system (what is essentially a fat burning machine) and this raises your metabolism. This means that your body now has more energy and it can burn off the excess energy you have by breaking it down into simple everyday energy. This leads to increased energy levels, which leads to weight loss. By increasing the metabolism, weight loss is achieved by boosting the body's natural tendency to use calories and convert them into energy.
Studies have shown that both calorie rich polyphenols and caffeine can have beneficial impacts on weight control, although it is polyphenols which seem to be more important. polyphenols, or antioxidant compounds, work by inhibiting the enzyme that creates the harmful byproducts called free radicals. There are a number of different antioxidant compounds, including those found in green tea, which have been shown to have a rapid impact on the activity of these enzymes. They can help to speed up your metabolic rate and raise it, which allows you to burn off more fat and therefore lose weight faster.
So, how does green tea extract help to boost your metabolism? Researchers at the University of Geneva in Switzerland conducted a study on overweight and obese men and women. They gave each group a placebo, as well as a number of different antioxidants called catechins. The overweight and obese group who took part in the antioxidant supplementation, as well as the placebo lost an average of 4 pounds per week. But when they checked the results of the study after only four weeks of taking the supplements, those who had lost the weight were still there.
So, does green tea for weight loss work? Well, the fact that this tea contains catechins makes a huge difference. The catechins may act as a natural appetite suppressant, meaning that you can eat more without gaining weight. It is currently believed that these antioxidants help to boost your bodies' natural fat burning process, which can lead to weight loss over the long term.
In addition to boosting your fat burning abilities, the polyphenols found in green tea may also have benefits for your general health. These antioxidants are known for their ability to fight numerous types of cancer, as well as slowing the growth of existing cancers. They are also known to have some positive effects on the cardiovascular system, possibly preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Studies on the effects of green tea on cholesterol levels show that both lowering and increasing have been observed. In addition, it is currently theorized that these antioxidants may help prevent heart disease and stroke.
As you can see, there are many ways to reap the benefits of green teas for weight loss. Since green color is associated with vitality, you will find that drinking this beverage regularly will help you feel more energetic throughout the day. Since green tea helps to enhance the immune system, you will be less prone to getting sick and more likely to ward off illness.
The health benefits of green teas for weight loss are truly remarkable. For instance, caffeine is an ingredient found in this beverage that is extremely powerful in aiding in losing weight. But, you do not need to ingest caffeine through beverages to gain the health benefits of green catechins. You can simply eat foods that contain them or take supplements of catechins that are in green foods. Another thing that you should know about catching is that they are made up of different compounds that vary depending on the variety of green vegetable that they come from. So, if you wish to reap all of the health benefits of these powerful antioxidants, it would be a good idea to make your daily diet rich in these vegetables.
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