Weight Loss Detox: Does Smoking Weed Make You Lose Weight?

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Does Smoking Weed Make You Lose Weight?

It is well known that smoking pot will cut your life expectancy, but does smoking weed make you lose weight? Or does it? The answer depends on what kind of Weed you smoke and how much you smoke. Although smoking Weed has been shown to have health benefits, it is not a miracle drug by any means and many people who are addicted to Smoking Weed do not see any immediate or significant loss of weight.

does smoking weed make you lose weight

Many people believe that quitting Weed will be easy because they have had the habit for many years. However, it takes strong will power and determination to overcome even the toughest addiction. Those who have struggled with addiction find it hard to believe that the drug is addictive. They think that their body will adapt to the dependence and they will be able to fight it off. If you have tried to quit weed and it was not successful then you have to really evaluate your beliefs about your body and yourself. Do you really believe that you can fight off Weed and keep on using the drug?

A lot of times when someone is trying to quit smoking they focus on how Weed makes them feel. They will tell you that they want to be sober so they can stop having constant cravings for the drug. This is true, but they fail to realize that many times it is the fact that they are focusing on the negative things about smoking Weed. They don't realize that if they truly cared about themselves and their health that they would go out and do the things they need to do in order to become healthy. Instead, they sit around and think about how great they will feel if they quit smoking Weed.

There are a few other side effects of Weed that you might notice. For example, you may find yourself going through withdrawal symptoms if you quit smoking Weed. These symptoms can include being anxious or having restlessness, being irritable, losing interest in things you once loved to do, and becoming depressed. These are all normal after quitting Weed, and you should expect to have them. What does smoking weed do to your body though?

First of all, you should know that Weed reduces your ability to process certain nutrients into your body. This is because your system no longer has a place for the excess fat and sugar that Weed feeds on. Weed can also alter your blood chemistry and lower your natural endorphins. This means that instead of having a sense of well-being, you will experience a more Depraved type of "high". The only way to permanently beat this addiction is to quit smoking Weed completely.

It is also worth noting that it can take up to a year for your body to adjust to not having any carbs and fats in it. This means that it will take you at least a year of consistent sobriety before your body is able to keep up with all of the changes without becoming addicted. If you quit smoking before this time is up, then you will run the risk of having a shock to your system, which can throw your body out of balance. It is advisable though to stop as soon as possible and keep your body healthy.

Finally, smoking weed will damage your lungs. Not only does it contribute to the problem of lung cancer, it can also lead to other health complications such as bronchitis and emphysema. If you want to avoid these life-threatening diseases, then you should definitely quit smoking. Even if you just look cool by smoking a joint every so often, you are risking your health and your lungs to do so.

So does smoking weed make you lose weight? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Although you might lose some weight initially, you will most likely gain it back once you quit. It is very unhealthy and you should avoid it at all costs. If you are still smoking weed on a regular basis after giving up, then you should seek treatment in an alcohol rehabilitation center. The medical staff will be able to help you with detoxification and get you into a rehabilitation program that will keep you off the weed until you are completely healed.

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