Weight Loss Detox: Does Smoking Weed Make You Lose Weight?

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Does Smoking Weed Make You Lose Weight?

Does smoking weed make you lose weight? Smoking pot is considered to be a bad habit. Many people may be struggling to quit smoking but there are still a lot of people who keep on smoking even after they have tried to quit for good. This is just one of the unhealthy side effects of smoking pot.

does smoking weed make you lose weight

What does smoking weed do to your body? Smoking pot often suppresses your appetite. As a result, your body usually takes in fewer calories than it normally would do. This means that when you smoke pot, you usually feel hungrier than usual. Pot also causes anxiety as well as irritability and this leads to you taking more bites off your food than usual. You will find yourself snacking on high calorie foods such as cookies, chips, and sodas.

Many people also believe that they will get better sleep if they are smoking weed. However, this is just a myth. The reason why you sleep so much when you are high is because your body is experiencing less stress and your mind is at ease. However, these things also cause drowsiness and you will find yourself having short naps during the day.

You will also experience anxiety and panic attacks as a result of smoking pot. These are known as "cannabis psychosis" and if you don't deal with them in the right way, they can really take over your life. You could start having mood swings and snap out of it at any second. You will also end up being very talkative and this could include shouting out in public as well as becoming argumentative to anyone around you.

Some people also believe that when they smoke pot, they become addicted to it. This is also just another misconception. People become addicted to anything when they use it for a long time and then stop. However, smoking pot can actually cause an imbalance in your brain and this imbalance could make you become addicted to something else. If this happens, then you will find yourself using harder drugs such as cocaine or methamphetamines to try and cope with the pain and anxiety that you have.

Smoking pot is also addictive in other ways, such as the fact that you will become psychologically dependent on it. You will want it to be easy to get and you will often use it when you are sad, bored or even when you are happy. Because it has such a strong psychological component to it, you will find that you get into such a state when you are trying to lose weight. It is almost as if your mind wants you to smoke that little bit more so that you can feel better about yourself. You will also be tempted to smoke more when you are not actually trying to lose weight.

Also, smoking pot can have an effect on your body in such a negative way that you may find it difficult to lose weight. Many people believe that because smoking pot can mess with your appetite and this leads to you consuming more calories when you are not really hungry, then it will also lead to you gaining weight. This is a vicious cycle and it is one of the reasons why so many people cannot lose weight. It may just lead to an addiction problem and you will become dependent on this drug.

If you find yourself thinking "Does smoking weed make you lose weight? ", then you should really try to kick the habit. It is not healthy for your body and you will also find that you feel much more tired and you are always craving for it. You will never truly beat it if you stick at it!

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