Rule #1: Eat for a Full Eight Hours. One of the quickest ways to shed pounds and burn body fat would be with intermittent fasting. To make this even more simple, you'll be going on a liquid diet for an entire eight-hour period throughout the day. There are many different types of intermittent diets, which range from lemonade diets to rice diets to even oatmeal diets. Whichever you choose, make sure that you follow it consistently.

Rule #2: Lose Excess Body Fat by Exercising. You can also burn body fat by exercising, but doing so too frequently can lead to health problems. It is far better to do a little exercise every day than it is to overdo it. If you are exercising to simply lose weight, stay away from doing a ton of exercise each day.
Rule #3: Endurance Exercise is Best. If you want to burn body fat quickly, endurance exercise is what you must focus on. By endurance exercise, I mean running long distances or jogging. Although there are other types of exercise that will also help your system to burn fat faster, like weightlifting or strength training, jogging is one of the best because it boosts your metabolism. This means that your body burns calories faster and has the ability to burn calories longer during your workout.
The reason that jogging is so good at boosting your metabolism is that your body always uses less energy when you are running than it does walking. So by taking a brisk walk around the block, or even taking a jog around your neighborhood, you will burn fat even while you are walking. Another way to boost your energy level while you are jogging is to do sprinting. Jogging slowly will not give you as much of an energy boost because your breathing and heart rate are increasing. But when you do sprinting you are able to increase your endurance considerably, and this helps to burn body fat.
Rule #4: Eating More Is Better than Less. There is a popular notion that if you want to lose weight quickly and effectively, you should cut out everything that you eat and just eat a big pile of junk food. This is totally false! By eating more, not only will you give your metabolism a boost, but you will be able to sustain your weight loss. In fact, researchers have found that people who eat more foods that are high in protein tend to have a sustained energy level throughout their diets.
Rule #5: Calorie Counting Will Help You Lose Fat. Most weight loss programs outline a set daily calorie count. While this can be helpful for losing weight, it can also make it difficult to keep a steady rate. Instead, consider adding a small, high calorie supplement to your diet that is designed to help you burn body fat quickly and easily.
Rule #6: Keep Your Meals Simple and Smart. Your meals should never be complex. Forget about the big "meal" at the end of your day. Yes, having a large meal will give you some calories and boost your metabolism. However, your meals must be made up of high quality, nutrient-dense foods that are full of vitamins, minerals and lean protein.
Rule #7: Choose Your Diet Food Wisely. Weight loss is about reducing calories so choose foods that are low in calories while still packing on the muscle. For example, instead of having three large meals per day, you may split your meals up into six or ten smaller meals throughout the day. Eating smaller meals lessens the amount of time you'll spend burning calories and allows you to consume more meals throughout the day without gaining too much body fat.
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