Does green tea burn fat? Studies have shown that it does. Green tea is among one of nature s most powerful natural resources when it comes to helping people lose weight. As an anti-oxidant, green tea can help rid the body of toxins that contribute to fat-related illnesses. This means green tea can help improve your health and even help prevent certain types of diseases.

How does green tea boost metabolism? When your body does not require food to fuel the rate of your metabolism, your body will naturally burn fat for energy. The question then becomes, how do you make this happen? The answer is simple - by drinking this beverage on a regular basis. In fact, recent studies have shown that drinking just four cups of the beverage per day can help boost metabolism to the point that it will work more efficiently at burning fat.
What are the benefits of using tea as part of a weight loss plan? First of all, this beverage contains powerful natural ingredients such as EGCG, or epigallocatechin gallate. Scientific studies have shown these compounds to be appetite suppressants, which means that drinking a cup or two of this tea on a regular basis can help you reduce the amount of calories you consume, which will lead to long-term weight loss.
Can green tea help me lose weight without exercise? Of course, tea has many other benefits when it comes to helping you lose excess weight. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that this beverage is one of the best appetite suppressants available. Since tea naturally contains compounds that interfere with the effects of histamine, which is responsible for suppressing your appetite, drinking this beverage may be one of the best ways to lose weight without having to do any kind of extra exercise.
How should I take this beverage? This is where some people get into trouble. When people try to use green tea extract for weight loss purposes, they often choose to use it in place of another beverage. For example, instead of choosing a diet shake, many people will opt to add green tea extract to a cup of hot coffee. Although both drinks are high in calories and low in nutrition, when you use the extract in place of another substance, you may be dramatically decreasing your calorie intake without sacrificing any nutritional value. As a result, this can lead to losing more calories than you'd previously lost while still maintaining your desired weight.
How much caffeine should I consume? There are two important things to keep in mind when it comes to burning calories and losing weight: how much caffeine you consume and how much you need. If you want to experience the green tea fat loss benefits without getting too overloaded with caffeine, you'll want to consume moderate amounts throughout the day.
Can you drink green tea and still workout? Yes, you can! When you consider the fact that caffeine is only one of the ingredients that make up this popular beverage, you can see why drinking green tea burn fat effectively means cutting back on other sources of calories.
Will this green tea fat burner work for everyone? This is something that you'll need to evaluate on your own. However, if you consume caffeine regularly and other natural ingredients like green tea, you should experience positive results.
Is this green tea burn fat burner safe for everyone? It's very safe as long as you don't exceed the recommended maximum daily intake of about four cups. However, if you have existing health problems or a serious heart condition, you may want to wait until these issues are resolved before adding this supplement to your diet. Caffeine itself has been known to raise blood pressure and cause fatigue so if you experience any side effects, stop consuming caffeine and talk to your doctor about possible alternatives.
How do I get more antioxidants? You can increase your antioxidant intake naturally by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as taking antioxidant supplements. In addition, taking multi-vitamins that contain large amounts of antioxidants will also increase the amount of antioxidants you're getting from your diet.
Can you drink green tea and lose weight at the same time? Yes, you certainly can! If you combine it with an exercise program and a healthy diet, you'll be able to achieve rapid weight loss. However, as with any weight loss plan, you should still monitor your results after you've lost a few pounds. Although many people believe that green tea is the miracle cure for weight loss, you should still monitor your results regularly to make sure that you're still burning calories and fat.